To AI or Not to AI – That is the Wrong Question
Hamlet-Inspired Rationale for the Thoughtful Use of AI
Our Year-In-Review highlights key compliance events in the life sciences industry over the course of the year in a multimedia presentation – please feel free to share with other colleagues across your organization. Our clients often find it valuable to provide to boards, compliance committees, sales teams, and other Compliance and Legal colleagues.
Please note the YIR is available in “read-only” format. If using Internet Explorer/Edge, you may find it helpful to save the file first. If using Chrome, the file will likely be located in your “Downloads” folder for future use. Once downloaded, launch it in the full version of Powerpoint, hit F5, and click to start to launch the presentation. Music plays in the background so adjust your volume accordingly.
Currents is the location where the Potomac team’s thoughts and ideas flow. Check in on a regular basis for new thought pieces, articles, and more where we hope to inform, inspire, influence, and inquire.
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Hamlet-Inspired Rationale for the Thoughtful Use of AI
Jon Wilkenfeld May 8, 2024
Don’t get too caught up in measuring your goals, but rather focus on the outcomes that you want to achieve.
January 3, 2024
Potomac will attend the following conferences. Please stop by our booth, we're excited to meet you!
Informa Pharmaceutical Compliance Congress (PCC), Tyson's Corner, VA
Informa Transparency, Aggregate Spend, & HCP Engagement Conference, Tyson's Corner, VA
PCC West - Informa Compliance Congress for Specialty Products, San Diego, CA
PCF Pharmaceutical & Medical Device Ethics & Compliance Congress, Washington, DC